BMW Vision iNEXT World Flight. November 2018
Producing: Medienbespielung ROOM 1 / Main-Film / Medienbespielung Room 2.
Projekt for Congaz Visual Media Company GmbH.
CREATIVE MEDIA COMPANY: Congaz Visual Media Company GmbH
CREATIVE PRODUCER: Tanja Fassold, Timm Engelkamp/ 3D/ 2D ARTISTS/ Editor: Till Schemionek,
Christian Lengger, MUSIC: Dario Albiez
The BMW Vision iNEXT that was presented in a Lufthansa Cargo B777F flight around the world -
from Munich over New York to San Fransisco and Beijing.
78.000 LEDs, 165 screens plus 10 high-performance projectors, connected by over 7,5 Km of cable
were synchronized to perfection – to let viewers dive into the future with all senses.
More Information:

KIA. Press release KIA CEED 3. 2018
Producing: Intro / Unveiling-Film / Countdown. Freelance-Project.
Projekt for Congaz Visual Media Company GmbH.
CREATIVE MEDIA COMPANY: Congaz Visual Media Company GmbH / CREATIVE DIRECTION: Maria Brandenburg, Ronja Breitkopf
PRODUCER: Tanja Fassold / 3D/ 2D ARTISTS/ Editor: Jakob Saretz, Marco Bergstein, Oszan Tasci

DE:HUB WEBSUMMIT 2017-Projekt.
Projekt for Congaz Visual Media Company GmbH.
The aim of the Digital Hub Initiative at the websummit 2017 in lisbon was to represent Germany as an attractive and growing market
for startups, investors and scientists. At the world's biggest tech conference in the stall of the digital hub initiative, all 12 regional Hubs
were displayed on a map of Germany via AR-Experience.
CLIENT Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie
CREATIVE MEDIA COMPANY: Congaz Visual Media Company GmbH
PRODUCER: Tanja Fassold, Timm Engelkamp
3D/2D ARTISTS: Jonas Buch, Marco Gorzel, Dominic Taylor, Jörg Lemme
Video: http://www.congaz.de/live-communication/project/dehub-websummit-2017

Visual Directing / Motion Design for three LED-WALLs.
Projekt for Eachfilm GmbH. Agentur: Reccon. Freelance-Project.

AIDA CRUISES. LED Sphere Display for AIDA Prima. 2017.
Design of the speaking character "Moji" for a LED Sphere Display. Done at Eachfilm GmbH. Freelance-Project.

AUDI. Autosalon Genf. Highlight - Film Messe.
Supervision für den AUDI "Highlight-Movie" / LED-WALL. Salon international de l’automobile Genève 2015. Done at Mutabor Design GmbH.

Done at MUTABOR Design GmbH. In cooperation with the mutabor team. Concept & Producing.

MERCK. R&D Consumer Health Event 2016.
Concept, design, animation and producing: Different Videos for the Videowall of the global R&D Meeting 2016. Done for Merck Selbstmedikation GmbH.

VOITH 150 Jahrfeier 2017.
VOITH celebrates its 150th anniversary - 150 years of technology that has inspired generations. On the occasion of this major event,
representatives from politics and business, as well as family and friends, were invited to Heidenheim to take part in the festive production.
Staggered LED portal frames created a great spatial depth together with the media display. At the same time, the
stage offered versatile opportunities for high-profile speakers and well-wishers, such as the Minister for Finance
Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble and the Minister President of Baden-Württemberg, Mr. Winfried Kretschmann. The entertaining evening was
hosted by the Tagesschau presenter Linda Zervakis.
GOLD STEVIE WINNER: Best Corporate Image Event
GOLD STEVIE WINNER: Communication or PR Campaign / PR Programme of the Year - Events & Commemorations.
Kunde: VOITH // Agentur: Reccon // Regie: Sebastian Dörnemann // Entwicklung & Produktion Visuals: eachfilm, Michael Koch & Peter Lund // Bühnenbild Idee: Andrea Bohacz // Grafik & Design: Tanja Fassold // Compositing: Michael Lübben, Nils Andersen, Henning M. Lederer, u.a. // Sounddesign: Schanze12Tonstudio // Videotechnik: Media Resource Group GmbH & Co. KG
Merck Selbstmedikation GmbH. Neurobion.
Vitamin B12 Film 2017. How to film.
Creative Direction / Motion Design / Illustrations.
Done for Merck Selbstmedikation GmbH. Press picture to play movie.
Imagefilm for Jung von Matt / Elbe and Konzerthaus Dortmund. Concept, design, animation and producing.
Done at tisch eins / design studio in cooperation with Peter Lund / eachfilm. Press picture to play movie.

Saturn: GF-Film.
Post-Producing for the Event-Wall. Done for Markenfilm Crossing. Freelance-Project.
Dräger Saftey. Trade show.
Concept, design, animation, production for a 360 degree projection.
Dimensions: 48 m length and 2,50 m height. Press picture to play movie.
Showreel: Design.
Concept, design, animation, producing for different clients. Press picture to play showreel.
Concept, design and animation for an imagefilm. Press picture to play movie.
Digital Signage Innovation Center.
Concept, design, animation and producing.
Done for video walls: 4K and 2K. Press picture to play movie.
Showreel TV-Design.
Concept, design and animation for different television shows and trailers. Press picture to play showreel.

Mercedes Benz. GLK / World Premiere.
Concept and design for a video wall at an automotive tradeshow.

Mercedes - S-Klasse IAA 2005.
Concept, design and animation for a video projection. dimensions: 16m x 2,8 m. Press picture to play movie.
Showreel Brands.
Concept, design and animation for different brands. Press picture to play movie.
Samsung NL22B.
Concept, design and animation for the amazing transparent samsung screen. Press picture to play movie.

Dreamoc. The holographic display.
Concept, design, animation and producing for a holographic display. Press picture to play movie.