Tanja Fassold is a Visual Director, Brand Communication Designer & Creative Expert for Brand Space & Digital Experiences from Hamburg.
She is working at the intersection of brand design, digital art and technology/production in the new media (AR/UX/UI and moving image). The focus of her current work is brand visualisation, concept and project management for large-scale media productions and UX experiences.
She studied at the "Fachhochschule Dortmund - University for applied arts and sciences", was one of two managing directors at tisch eins/ designstudio – a design & motion design studio (2003 - 2014).
She has started her career in 1998 and has been working for a lot of commercial- and art - projects as creative, motion-designer, producer & visual director which are featured and awarded at many film festivals, design competitions and art museums around the world. She has many years of experience in visualizing ideas, moods, moving images and concepts for design agencies, film productions and clients from different industries.
Just pick up the phone.
Tel: 0049 176 800 31 867
Tanja Fassold
Stormsweg 12
22085 Hamburg I Germany
Tel: 0049 176 800 31 867

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05.2015 - heute Freelance Creative-Director für Corporate - Design und Brand / Producerin / Motion-Designerin
01.2015 - 05.2015 Mutabor Design GmbH - Producerin, Kreation
05.2004 - 11.2014 „tisch eins | design studio” - Geschäftsführung , Visual Artist und Creative Direction
Studio für Motion Design, Corporate Design und Media Design
06.2003 - 04.2004 Freelance Senior Designer für Motion Graphics und Corporate Design ( 2D / 3D )
01.2003 - 05.2003 Springer & Jacoby Design, Hamburg - Art Director
09.2002 - 12.2002 Freelance Digital Artist für Motion Graphics 2D / 3D, Freelance Art Director für Corporate Design
02.2001 - 08.2002 DAS WERK Digitale Bildbearbeitungs GmbH, Hamburg - Leiterin des Art-Departments
Konzept und Corporate Design für Motion Design und Brand
08.2000 - 01.2001 Freelance Junior Quantel-Artist und Digital Artist After Effetcs
10.1998 - 08.2000 DAS WERK Digitale Bildbearbeitungs GmbH, Hamburg
Junior-Quantel-Artist an Quantel Henry / Editbox (Compositing)
Quantel-Assistent an Quantel Henry / Editbox (Compositing)
Discreet-Assistent an Discreet Logic
08.1991 - 09.1998 Studium an der Fachhochschule Dortmund, Fachrichtung "Visuelle Kommunikation", Diplom Designer FH
Tanja Fassold
Stormsweg 12
22085 Hamburg I Germany
Tel: 0049 176 800 31 867
Steuernummer: 41 / 058 / 02132